What are the Benefits of Small Group Personal Training?


How will you benefit from small group personal training? When the topic of personal training comes up, people typically think of it as a one-on-one session where you get a trainer’s undivided attention at all times. What people don’t realize is that there’s a simple alternative where you get the same advantages for less money. […]

Looking to Put on Muscle? Here’s What You’re Doing Wrong


If you’re attempting to build muscle but are struggling, here are a few tips for you. Increasing muscle mass is a daily goal for millions of people, but so many of them have no idea how to do it properly. In fact, if you’ve been having difficulty building up muscle, there’s a good chance that you’re simply doing […]

Struggling with Motivation? A Personal Trainer Will Keep You Motivated


How can working with a personal trainer improve motivation?  Everyone knows that health and fitness are important, but it’s so difficult to stay motivated these days. After all, everywhere you turn, there are temptations, from high-calorie foods to Netflix shows just begging to be binged.  How can you compete? Working with a personal trainer—that’s how! […]

6 Main Benefits of Working with a Personal Trainer

What are some of the benefits of working with a personal trainer? Hiring a personal trainer is one of the best things you can do when you’re trying to get into shape. But a lot of people don’t seem to understand what personal trainers do. Many believe what they see on TV, where a trainer is […]

8 Easy Healthy Eating Habits You Can Begin Today!


A few healthy eating habits you can incorporate into your diet today. All the exercise in the world won’t help you lose weight if you have horrible eating habits. The problem is that many people are always running around in their chaotic lives and not paying attention to what they’re putting in their bodies until […]

What are the Benefits of Working with a Holistic Health Coach?


Benefits of Working with a Holistic Health Coach Holistic health coaching has been gaining popularity in recent years because it utilizes a “whole person” philosophy, meaning that it focuses on physical and emotional health, in addition to spiritual and social needs. Working with a holistic health coach and personal trainer is the perfect way to focus on […]