What Exercises Can I Do With a Torn Bicep Tendon?

How can you exercise with an injured bicep tendon? Our biceps are the primary muscles that many people focus on when working out. Most people do so for strength, although it’s true that the bicep acts as a kind of vanity muscle for quite a few workout enthusiasts. Like other muscles, it’s possible that you may tear […]
A Few Tips for Pre-Workout Nutrition

Getting ready to work out? Here are a few pre workout tips. Everyone wants to work out and get into shape, but when you’re first starting out, it’s sometimes hard to understand that nutrition is one of the most important parts of the formula. Sure, maybe you can ignore nutrition in the beginning and get […]
Muscle Recovery: How to Recover Faster After a Workout

How can you properly recover after an intense workout? Working out is great. Working out hard is even better. The problem is that after a while, we get to a point where we’re pushing ourselves so much that our muscles take a while to recover. This can sometimes be painful and could actually impact our […]
A Few Tips for Working Out With a Foot Injury

How do you work out with a foot injury? Experiencing a foot or ankle injury can be the absolute worst because even walking down the street can sometimes feel like a chore, let alone trying to work out. The good news is that you can still get plenty of exercise as long as you’re careful […]
The Best Knee Injury Workouts a Personal Trainer Can Help With

What are a few workouts that benefit knee injuries? Suffering through a knee injury can be a terrible feeling. In some cases, it may be something as simple as hearing a concerning pop or crack in your knee every time you walk downstairs or get up from a seated position. In more serious cases, you might have trouble walking […]
What are a Few Exercises to Relieve Lower Back Pain?

What forms of exercise are good for relieving lower back pain? Lower back pain can be excruciating. In severe cases, the pain can be debilitating and make it nearly impossible to function in any kind of daily activity. Many people are forced to use strong pain medication and other methods, which often come with their […]
How to Rehab a Shoulder Injury with a Personal Trainer

How can a personal trainer help rehab a shoulder injury? Many people turn to a physical therapist when they’ve hurt themselves, but a holistic fitness trainer also knows how to rehab a shoulder injury and will help you get back to your normal self again. Today, we’re going to take a look at a few signs that your shoulder injury needs […]
Is Working with a Personal Trainer “Worth It?”

Is a Personal Trainer Worth It? If you’ve ever thought of getting a personal trainer, this is probably one of the first questions you’re asking yourself. After all, you see athletes and celebrities with amazing physiques, and you know they’re all using a personal trainer. But is the additional price worth it? To help you […]
The Mental Health Benefits of Working with a Personal Trainer

How can your mental health improve by working out with a personal trainer? People who suffer from any type of mental health issue, such as clinical depression or anxiety, can have difficulties on their fitness journey. They often feel stressed about engaging in a physical activity of any kind, but especially one involving groups of […]
What Role Can a Personal Trainer Play in Injury Rehabilitation?

Can a personal trainer help with rehabbing an injury? Suffering from an injury that causes daily pain or makes it hard to get around or conduct any daily activities can be a horrendous ordeal. Injury rehab is never easy, which is why you should always seek out the help of a professional. Many people turn […]